Friday, November 27, 2009
an emotional number...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
-loves to drool
-loves to rolls around everywhere
-loves applesauce, but hates green beans (who wouldn't- puree that is)
-loves to talk...or shriek when he wants something
-loves to flirt
-loves to "fly"
-love to suck his thumb when he sleeps
-loves "playing" with Ava and finds her fascinating
-love being home and routine
-loves to learn new words...has a bigger vocab than me!
-love Toy Story
-not loving naps right now...tries to find excuses
-loves testing us right now
-loves to do things...anything...
-loves to do "cowboy jumps" and "space jumps" inspired by Toy Story
-loves to continue to be cowboy Ava
-loves drawing on her magnadoodle
-loves us taking pictures of her
-loves to brush her teeth with her eclectic toothbrush
-loves to pretend all day
-does not like to be called anything but nicknames allowed
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Rain, rain...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Wide U Turn
It's from the blog Our Crazy Marriage
Joanne: More of a wide U-turn than a turning point
So a couple of people have asked me in the past day or so what the turning point was in our story. Of having the conversation to call it quits to moving back to some sort of a happy "normal" life.
And as I've thought about it and answered someone last night, I realize there was not really a turning point. It's not like one day we were headed for divorce and the next day we weren't. There wasn't really a defining moment when I thought, This is it. We're turning a corner and we're okay now.
It was really more of a wide U-turn. So slow and gradual that it took a year or so rather than a moment or a day to get turned around. So slow and gradual that we didn't even notice it was happening at first.
The truth is, it took a while to hit bottom. And we stayed there a while. And it took a while to climb back out. And we're still climbing. thicker than....anything, really.
The truth is we don't spend nearly enough time with all these people that have strengthen us and love us. I guess life just happens. I guess I'm not use to voicing how I really feel about people or I'm not use to being intentional about it. Or what if I did, how would people respond because its not necessarily normal...that's pretty lame though. I don't even spend any time with so many people I love....some of my favorite people probably have no idea I even like them! Let alone know the fact that I stink'n adore them!
Anyways, I just feel incredibly blessed to know and be loved by so many amazing people. I want to be more diligent and intentional about telling people how much they really mean to my family and me....ok, I'll start with you. Ya, you. The fact that you are reading my jiberish I wrote late at night when I should be in bed is pretty amazing. Thanks. That's love for ya.
Man....If I really want to thank people and let them know what they mean to list is going to be really, really, really long. I'm not sure if I'm tired because I'm thinking about this or because its stink'n late...and Asa is going to wake up soon : )
Friday, July 31, 2009
Answers from a Three Year Old...well, almost
1. What is something Mom always says to you?
"You always say I love you, I love you, I love keep doing that to me."
2. What makes Mommy happy?
"gray, like that" (pointing to the color gray) hm...
3. What makes Mommy sad?
"I don't know what mommy makes sad"
4. How does Mommy make you laugh?
"Agh, sigh" she just wanted to go play at this point combined with the fact that I must need to
work on my comical impact on her or something
5. What was Mommy like when she was a child?
"you were little like this (making a small circle with her fingers...I was small..not that small),
and you had baby milk, and now you are a big girl like me now!"
6. How old is Mommy?
"three...I don't know"
Ava:"young" good answer
"this big!" holding out her hands wide....I hope she isn't taking about my width : )
8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
"play with me!"
9. What does Mommy do when you aren't here?
"Go to appointments"...that's true
10. What is Mommy really good at?
"playing with me again!" yeah!
11. What is Mommy not good at?
"playing hair with me" ...true again, its hard to get a 2 1/2 year old to stay still
12. What is Mommy's favorite food?
"gold fish" I obviously have such refined taste
13. What makes you proud of Mommy?
"saying baaa to me" she was getting really bored about now
14. What do you and Mommy do together?
"play together, shake like this" (shaking her arms and legs, we had just sung the hokey poky
15. How do you know Mommy loves you?
"this much!" holding hands out
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Jordan Asa Mick
I went into the hospital for a non-stress test and ultra sound because I was suppose to get checked out ever couple days since I was past my due date (May 17th), which could have been expected since Ava was born almost two weeks past her due date...hey, its comfy in there. But after the ultrasound nurse said I pretty much had no ambiotic fluid in there...poor guy. So after talking to my doctor they thought it was very necessary to induce me...which meant the dreaded pitocin, which I was trying to avoid....after the nurse wiped the smile off my face, as she put it, I started feeling the most annoying, irritating, just weird pain ever, much different than with contraction with Ava...then I said bring on the epidural, I couldn't handle it anymore. I thought for sure I was at least 7 mm dialated. NOPE. just 3! Man, Jen, You go girl! (She had pitocin and no epidural!) Anyways, it actually wasn't long after that he slipped out..ok, maybe too much info! sorry.
Ava is a great big sister! She sometimes says she wants to cuddle with him but I'm not invited because "You're too big, Mommy"...way to give me a complex. She loves giving him giving him kisses and hugs and playing with him, but is she sees or smells a poopie diaper, she's outta here. I do love seeing how they interact. Asa recognizes Ava and now smiles...instead of scrunches his forhead like he use too.
Ava loved the fact that Asa wears socks on his hands so he doesn't scratch himself...she decided that she should do the same and came running from her room with socks. She also loves it when they both dressed up in their super suits, Ava being "Super Ava" and her side kick "Super Asa".
I'll have to get better hospital pictures from my sister, but I wanted to share a few.
When Asa was 1 month old, Jill, my mother-in-law, who is....wonderful! got to visit us for a couple of days from West Virgina. Not only was she such a help Asa loved her...and of course Ava does too!
Asa is so sweet and cuddly. My sister calls him squeakers because...well, he squeaks. He is now 10 weeks old and I feel like his newborn stage is flying by! He is such a cute little guy and is started to coo and talk...which melts my heart! His poor little head went through a lot since birth. It started to get flat on one side and while I tried to have him lay on the other side of his head, it seemed that his neck was hurting a lot. So I found out he had a pretty had sutcher, which means that one part of his scull bone was behind the other messing up all sorts of things. He started crying in pain last week when I was simply changing his clothes. It was so so sad. So I've taken him to a pediatric chiropractor and a cranial sacrum therapist and its amazing the difference, not only in the back of his head, but his face and demeanor too!
Anyways, I so glad we get to hold Asa now. He was a long time coming...well, at least it felt like it. I'm so blessed.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Baby Belly
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ava: "That's Weird"
"Ava, you're a cutie"...Ava: "No me Not! Me Ava"....she thinks you're calling her one of those
little oranges called "cuties". "No me not" is a catch phrase of hers and can frequently be heard
around my brother-in-laws house when Ava isn't there and he doesn't want to do something.
Ava got a ball pit for Christmas...she calls it her "armpit"... I don't correct her, it's so darn cute.
record of fastest candy cane eater in the west of something...
happens to be about the human body...including muscles and veins and idea why it's
her favorite. Uncle Jay asked Ava is she wanted to be a doctor when she grows up and Ava
excitedly said yes, "I fix Nana!"
Ava played geography bingo with the never can get an early enough start right. That
night the baby moniter was on after she went to bed...I heard her wisper, "bingo" and I
wondered if I heard right...then she screamed, "BINGO" yep, I did. I should take her to a
nursing home to play. She would love it.
Concentrating as she is looking at the baby (in my tummy)...."Mommy (pause) you have wrinkles" (referring to my stretch marks...that she made!) ...then "I want baby wrinkles" (looking at her tummy) ahhh...
Aunt Rachel had gas...Ava was walking behind her...Ava starts to gag and cough, "Aunt Rachel, are you going poo poo?" gag, cough some more...sorry, Rachel, just so darn funny!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Snow Angels
Mommy Wrinkles...
But Not only has she giving me stretch marks, she...well, the other day she lifted up my shirt to see my growing belly, so she could talk to the baby. I could tell she was really concentrating and thinking about something. Then she points to my stomach and says, "You have wrinkles, Mommy". I couldn't help it. I started laughing. I told her she made those wrinkles on my tummy when she was growing inside of me as a baby and that they were 'mommy wrinkles'. She then lifted up her shirt to look at her tummy and said, "I want mommy wrinkles on my tummy"...ok, so she totally made up for it. That was adorable. Hey, I know. We should all be proud of the mommy wrinkles! I had been thinking about how ugly my deflated wrinkly tummy would look once my baby was born...but instead I'm going to be grateful. Mommy wrinkles are so worth it...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
"the clarnet and the fute"
For Christmas, I bought her a recorder from the dollar store...I know, I'm crazy. She loves practicing now with Sarah and Alyssa. She takes practicing with each of them...taking it very seriously...
My Baby Einstien
My brother was going to garage sale this...uh...Einstein wig...or maybe it's suppose to be a hat. But we put it on Ava. Oh my gosh! It was hilarious...but the funnier thing was she actually liked it. This was in early January and we were living with my sister Rachel. We were going to the store and my nieces told Ava she should wear it in the store...of course, they go off and Rachel and I are left with baby Einstein! You couldn't' tell it was a wig! I've never gotten as many double takes before...ok, I know I'm beautiful in all...oh, wait, it wasn't even me, it was my Einstein baby. Yeah, it was embarrassment. Ava loved it.
"Happy Thanksgiving Everyone"
Turkeys and Leaves
We use to walk a lot : ) We will again soon...but in our neighborhood, there was a house with huge turkeys...Ava would love to go "visit" them. Poor neighbors...we went trampling over their yard and their rocks were even raked! Who does that! Sorry, if you do...if you do, then maybe you should come over and clean off my porch or something. Anyhow, Ava also loved the fallish leaves at Jeremy and Karina's can't find them much here...the leaves that is...