Tuesday, March 2, 2010

there's a snake in my boot!

I know its March...but while making an updated post for Asa, I found that I had this post in my drafts from October!...so here it is...

Going with Ava's obsession, the kiddos dressed up like characters from Toy Story for Halloween. The Toy Story obsession...Ok by me! I think its so cute...I like Toy Story 2 better (its great having kids, watching kids movies without being weird and all) Ava was Jesse- the cowgirl from Toy Story 2 and Asa was Woody...seem true to their personalities as well. This was quite nice because Ava has continue to pretend she is 'Cowboy Ava' on a daily basis, so we had some cowboy stuff...she is on her third or fourth cowboy hat now because she plays with them everyday!

We started off at a little festival at Trader Joe's in the morning. Ava adored the petting zoo and was equally fascinated with a little pony she got to have painted on her hand (the whole face painting thing was a bit to much for her taste it seems). She stayed in the petting zoo area until it was closed. There was a rather tall lama there...well, I guess they are all tall, but Ava asked the worker, "Hi, I'm a cowboy, so can I ride him!?" It was adorable! um...but she didn't get too.... Later, while Asa spent some time with his cousins, we went to Ava's 1st movie! Toy Story 2 3-D! Now let me tell you, if it is possible to take a child to a movie they already know and love for their first movie experience...its a must. What child doesn't love watching their fav movie over and over...let along on the big screen with super cool glasses! Hello...genius. We had a blast! even if it was the hundredth time we've watch that movie...at least its a good one.

That night Ava went trick or treating with her cousins, while the cousins collected cans for charity (but people still gave the kids candy too).

Her uncle Matt love Toy Story equally as much and now has pasted on his beloved Woody doll to her (which she has inscribed her name on the bottom of his boot...next to the other boot with Matt's name). I'm not sure how Uncle Matt is going to sleep with out Woody at night, but he is well loved in our house hold...Asa looks at Woody in amazement and loves to play with his as well. He already knows that his sister's stuff is cool and wants to join in the fun.

Update: Ava LOVES Woody and can't sleep without him. In fact if we are away from the house a lot during the day and she doesn't bring Woody, she says in such a forlorn voice, "I miss Woody" Is so sad and so cute! I have hunted for woody several times at night as she can't sleep without him!

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